A clean, bright smile is a universally incredible thing to behold. A beautiful smile lights up a face and lets the world know that the person behind that smile–whether they’re in Sacramento or Dubuque–is happy and healthy. Yet a bright smile doesn’t just happen. It takes care and a commitment to dental health to achieve that lovely smile.
Though our teeth and our smile are beautiful assets, we all know that our mouth serves more than a cosmetic function. Our teeth enable us to eat properly. Due to this, the care of our teeth, which includes daily flossing and brushing, as well as regular checkups, is critical to maintaining a healthy smile. Again, no matter whether you live, whether you’re in New York City, Paris or Sacramento, the need for good dental hygiene remains the same. Continue reading →

Diabetes affects many different parts of the body, and some Sacramento residents aren’t yet aware of the increased potential for tooth and gum disease that comes with insulin-resistant diabetes. Some people don’t realize the connection until they find themselves in need of an Emergency Dentist. While most people are aware of the dangers of plaque and its tendency to build up on teeth, not everyone knows that elevated levels of blood glucose can cause plaque to build up much faster. Some people don’t learn the risks of diabetes to their teeth until they have a sudden and severe problem.
According to the American Dental Association, diabetes patients are more prone to gum disease, tooth decay, fungal infections, inflammatory skin diseases, delayed healing, salivary gland dysfunction, and taste impairment. Whether you see a regular Sacramento Continue reading →

Sometimes brushing and flossing is not enough to maintain good oral health. You cannot always see the decay and disease lurking in the recesses of your mouth. That is why Sacramento dentists recommend regular dental checkups. Routine visits to your dentist can prevent problems with your oral health before they pose potentially serious problems to your overall physical health.
During any routine office visit, the dentist visually inspects your teeth and gums for disease. To do this, the dentist may look for signs of bleeding, bone loss or inflammation. Your dentist may probe the surface of your teeth to check for tackiness, or early signs of decay that an x-ray may not pick up. The X-rays that patients usually receive detect Continue reading →

Cavities: We all hate them, but unfortunately we all get them at some time or another. However, in addition to good brushing and flossing habits, there are certain foods to eat and avoid that can assist in keeping cavities away. Not only that, but by keeping healthy diet habits with your teeth in mind, you reduce your chances of having to make a trip to the Emergency Dentist.
A Nutritious Diet:
We all know that eating a nutrient rich diet is supposed to provide energy, vibrancy, and overall zest. While all of that is true, eating a well balanced, nutritious diet can also aid in maintaining oral health. Continue reading →

Oral Health and Pregnancy
Gum disease, or gingivitis, is an infection in the gums that affects people of all ages. The bacteria in plaque manufacture poisons that inflame the gums and cause the tissues to rupture. It is common for pregnant women to encounter gum disease during pregnancy; however, bacteria can make its way into the bloodstream and affect the fetus. Therefore, dental care is extremely important during pregnancy.
Pregnant women who have gum disease are much more likely to deliver a premature baby. Gum disease also increases the risk that the child is born with a low birth weight. In addition, studies have shown that gingivitis could raise a woman’s chance of having preeclampsia. If you are experiencing any problems, you should contact an emergency dentist right away.
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