Emergency Dental Care

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Bleeding Extraction Site

Dealing with a Bleeding Tooth Extraction Site

In the course of a lifetime, most people will have a tooth extraction. Sometimes, dental surgery is the only way to repair a broken smile. Some teeth need to be extracted for normal reasons. Some tooth extractions are on an emergency basis.

Causes For A Tooth Extraction

There are many reasons for having a tooth extraction.

  • An impacted tooth has to be removed before it causes more problems.
  • Wisdom teeth need to be removed if they’re scraping the jaw or crowding the other teeth in the mouth. Some people only have two wisdom teeth. Most people have four.
  • A tooth may be broken below the gum line in a car accident or from other trauma.
  • An infection or tumor beneath the tooth requires a tooth extraction.

You’ve probably had your wisdom teeth removed if you’re over twenty years old. You may have broken a tooth playing baseball or diving into a shallow swimming pool. The extraction may have been performed at home or in another city by an emergency dentist.

Sometimes the extracted tooth is replaced with a tooth implant or a dental bridge. Sometimes it’s not replaced at all. Whenever there’s a tooth extraction, there’s going to be some loss of blood. If you have excessive bleeding after dental surgery, follow these steps to stop the blood.

How to Treat Excessive Bleeding After a Tooth Extraction

  • Don’t smoke cigarettes for twelve hour after your operation. Smoke and nicotine can affect the healing process. If you must smoke, gently puff on the cigarette.
  • Don’t suck through a straw or spit for twelve hours. Sucking and spitting makes a vacuum in your mouth that can force your extraction site to bleed again. Swallow any excess saliva.
  • Wet a small piece of gauze with cool water and apply it to the extraction site. Hold it in place firmly by closing your mouth for at least 45 minutes.
  • If the extraction site continues to bleed, replace the wet gauze with a moistened teabag. Don’t use green tea or Earl Grey–just use a regular teabag. The tea will release tannic acid onto the extraction site to help the blood form a clot.

Protecting the Blood Clot

Once your blood has clotted, it’s important to protect the blood clot, so you don’t start bleeding again.

  • If you have to smoke, don’t suck too hard. That extra pressure can dislodge the blood clot that formed in the extraction site.
  • Try to stick with a soft or liquid diet for a day or two. Avoid eating hot foods. Chew with the other side of your mouth if you do eat.
  • Don’t blow your nose vigorously. That could unseat your blood clot.
  • Follow regular dental care, but don’t brush the teeth immediately adjacent to the extraction site for 24 hours. Then gently brush them as you would regularly.
  • Avoid hot liquids like coffee. Hot drinks can melt the blood clot.

Follow these suggestions to make your tooth extraction as pleasant as possible. If you’re from out-of-town and need an emergency dentist while you’re in Sacramento, give us a call. We can handle any dental surgery or dental emergency you have.