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Category Archives: Health & Wellness

Do I Really Need a Root Canal?


When a tooth becomes infected down to the pulp, the dental patient has the choice of either a root canal procedure or an extraction. Leaving the condition untreated is dangerous, as the infection may spread into the rest of the body. The patient will quickly need to make a decision on how to proceed.

The Truth About Tooth Extraction
It is a common belief that having a tooth extracted is an acceptable alternative to having a root canal done. Extractions are faster, less complicated and do not cost as much as root canal procedures, but there are certain changes that may result from an extraction.

After a tooth has been removed, it leaves a space in the gums. This may cause the teeth around the space to shift into it, affecting the patient’s bite and possibly causing temporomandibular joint disorder. The remaining teeth may also become crooked and more likely to develop problems over the long term. Continue reading

Bruxism: What You Need To Know


Dentists often are the first to notice the signs of bruxism in their patients. Bruxism is the grinding or gnashing of the back teeth either during the day or at night when asleep. Patients may suffer from other physical discomforts because of the clenching and grinding action. Bruxism can be treated in a number of ways to prevent further damage of the teeth.

Symptoms of Bruxism
The dentist may notice areas of worn, chipped or even fractured teeth. The patient may experience increased sensitivity of the teeth and gums. They may feel pain or tenderness in the jaw muscles. Tooth enamel may be worn down, exposing sensitive surfaces of the teeth. The patient may complain of headaches, face pain or earache from the excessive tension on jaw muscles. Often, the patient is aware of nighttime tooth grinding or may have been told about it by spouses or partners. Continue reading

Cracked Tooth Syndrome – Sacramento CA


Cracked tooth syndrome is a real condition that can cause a lot of pain for the individual who has the cracked tooth. A person is said to have cracked tooth syndrome when the tip of a tooth is cracked, and the tooth begins to bend when the person bites something. The pain may not happen constantly, but if the cracked portion of the tooth is bitten at a certain angle, then the individual may experience a sharp pain. Similar to cavity pains, an individual with cracked tooth syndrome may notice the pain when he or she is eating foods that are hot, cold, or sweet. The best way to correct the cracked tooth is to put a crown over the damaged tooth. It is very important for an individual to get the cracked tooth corrected as soon as possible. Failing to correct it in a timely manner may lead to having to get a root canal or permanent removal of the tooth. Continue reading

Four Common Causes of Toothaches – Citrus Heights, CA


A toothache is one of the most dreaded pains that people will ever experience. Regardless of how many pain relievers people take, the pain from a toothache will still linger. Without going to a dentist to find the problem, the toothache will continue to exist. When it comes to a toothache, there are usually four main causes of it.

Tooth Decay
Tooth decay is one reason why a tooth may be aching. Many people do not realize that they have tooth decay because they cannot see it; however, if a person has a toothache, it is a good possibility that it can be traced to tooth decay. Tooth decay is formed through acids that bacteria in plaque produce. The tooth enamel is then attacked by the bacteria. Most tooth decay will be caused by poor dental hygiene. Many people will know that they may have tooth decay if their teeth become extremely sensitive to hot foods or beverages, cold food or beverages, and sweet food or beverages. Continue reading

Causes and Risk Factors for Gum Disease – Citrus Heights, CA


It is important to understand what gum disease is, how it starts and how it is treated. It is also important to know what the outcome is if gum disease is left untreated. When relating to gum diseases, you will commonly hear other terms of this disease called periodontal disease, periodontitis and gingivitis.

Gingivitis is the first stage in periodontal disease. It is caused many times by poor hygiene habits. The good news is it is treatable during this stage with regular dental cleanings and proper oral healthcare at home.

There are many factors that cause gingivitis; some are preventable and others, we have no control over. Some causes are smoking, diabetes, aging, genetic predisposition, puberty, substance abuse and some medications. Continue reading

4 Common Myths About Root Canals – Roseville, CA


The term “Root Canal” has become almost synonymous with painful dental procedures in popular culture, but that attitude has done more harm than good. A root canal isn’t the frightening procedure that popular culture has made it out to be. In fact, there are a number of persistent myths about root canals that this article will do away with.

First Myth: Root Canals are Incredibly Painful

This is possibly the biggest myth about root canals. First, look at what makes you need a root canal in the first place. When your tooth has a cavity, a dentist can drill out the deteriorating tooth and replace it with a filler material. When a cavity is bad enough, it begins to affect the pulp of the tooth instead of just the harder outer shell. This causes an infection, which in turn causes pain. Therefore, a root canal is called for to remove the deteriorated tooth material, but the tooth is already in pain.  Continue reading

Preventing Tooth Decay – Roseville, CA


Emergency Dental Care serving Roseville, Sacramento and the surrounding areas provides urgent care by a highly trained and professional dentist. No matter how well you take care of your teeth, sometimes cavities still happen. We have a dentist available to you if you are in need of urgent care for severe dental pain.

Preventing tooth decay is essential in maintaining good oral hygiene by teaching children at a very early age the importance of taking care of their teeth. Most everyone knows that brushing his or her teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and flossing once a day is the standard norm.

Bacteria on the tooth when combined with sugar causes tooth decay. This combination produces acid, which is what softens and causes destruction of the hard tissues of the tooth, called enamel and dentine. For this very reason, it is important to limit your sugar intake. If you do eat sugar, it is important to brush your teeth to remove the sugar to prevent any bacteria from forming into acid to eat away at the enamel. Continue reading

Causes and Treatments for a Gingival Abscess or Abscessed Tooth


An abscess is a serious infection that affects your tooth’s root or the space between a tooth and your gum. It can be quite painful due to the inflammation or pressure and can be easily treated by an Emergency Dentist. Sometimes, you can feel the throbbing pain in your ear rather than your tooth, but it can also hurt your jaw or the side of your face. You might also experience a fever, red or inflamed gums, a lump that drains liquid or puss and possibly bad breath.

If you live in the Sacramento area, it is essential to make an appointment with our Roseville, CA office as soon as possible because the infection can easily spread and destroy additional tissue or bone. Continue reading

Severe Tooth Pain


There are few things worse for the average person than severe tooth pain. The mouth is connected to a great many more nerve centers than you may think, and a simple toothache can mean migraines, decreased concentration at work and less efficiency in life overall, let alone a severe tooth pain.

Below we will go over some of the causes of severe tooth pain and determine whether you need to see an emergency dentist for that pain.

Causes of Tooth Pain

One – Severe tooth pain does not have to be caused by cavities. Continue reading

Risk Factors of Oral Cancer


What is oral cancer?

Oral cancer is a condition that occurs when the cells in the mouth begin to grow and divide at an abnormal rate. This condition most commonly affects the lips and tongue. However, oral cancer can also develop on the cheek of the mouth, gums and palate.

What are some of the symptoms of oral cancer?

Mouth sores are one of the most common symptoms of oral cancer. These sores are initially painless, but as the cancer begins to advance, the patient may experience severe discomfort. Chewing problems, painful swallowing, speech difficulties, weight loss and swollen lymph nodes are some of the other symptoms of oral cancer. Continue reading