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Risk Factors of Oral Cancer


What is oral cancer?

Oral cancer is a condition that occurs when the cells in the mouth begin to grow and divide at an abnormal rate. This condition most commonly affects the lips and tongue. However, oral cancer can also develop on the cheek of the mouth, gums and palate.

What are some of the symptoms of oral cancer?

Mouth sores are one of the most common symptoms of oral cancer. These sores are initially painless, but as the cancer begins to advance, the patient may experience severe discomfort. Chewing problems, painful swallowing, speech difficulties, weight loss and swollen lymph nodes are some of the other symptoms of oral cancer.

What are some of the risk factors of oral cancer?

Most cases of oral cancer can be attributed to alcohol use and smoking. It is also important to note that men are twice as likely to develop oral cancer as women. People who are infected with the HPV virus are also more likely to develop this condition. Additionally, researchers have also found that there is a link between oral cancer and poor dental hygiene. That is why it is important for Roseville residents to see a dentist on a regular basis.

How does a dentist check for oral cancer?

The dentist will perform a thorough examination of the mouth and check for sores and bleeding. If the findings of examination suggest that a patient has oral cancer, a tongue and gum biopsy will be performed. Patients who have oral cancer will be referred to an oncologist.

What is the prognosis like for a patient with oral cancer?

If this cancer is detected early, the patient has a 90 percent chance of overcoming it. However, studies have shown that approximately 25 percent of patients die because of delayed diagnosis and treatment. Oral cancer can spread very quickly to the other organs in the body. That is why this condition can be very difficult to treat.

What can people in Roseville do to reduce their risk of developing oral cancer?

Because most oral cases have been linked to smoking and excessive alcohol intake, people should not smoke. The consumption of alcohol should be limited to one or two drinks per day. Again, it is very important for people in Roseville to see a dentist on a regular basis. Correcting common dental problems can decrease a person’s chance of developing oral cancer.