Anyone who has ever experienced a severe toothache will tell you that you do not want to neglect dental care until a tooth decays to the point of intense pain. Many will agree that a toothache is one of the worst types of pain that one can experience. A toothache tends to feel worse at night with dull, throbbing pain that seems to increase when one is lying in bed. While pain pills might relieve a toothache temporarily, the best remedy is to get rid of the decay that is causing the ache by filling the tooth or extracting it. However, if one takes a proactive approach, the ache can be prevented, and the tooth can be saved. If your dentist has told you that you need a filling, but you are not feeling any pain, there are some things you need to know about tooth decay.
Poor oral care leads to tooth decay. Neglecting brushing and flossing results in a tooth becoming exposed to acid producing bacteria. Tooth decay occurs as the acid and bacteria eat into the tooth. Initially these destructive bacteria can go unnoticed, so in the early stages of tooth decay; it is not unusual to experience no pain at all. However, as the decay persists a hole will appear in the affected tooth, allowing the nerves to be exposed. Exposed nerves bring pain. When the decay goes unchecked it can reach the point where the only relief is to extract the tooth. Continue reading →

A blow to the mouth can happen with enough force to cause a tooth to be knocked out of its socket. If a tooth gets knocked out by accident, it’s important to remain calm and follow a few simple steps to give yourself the best chance to permanently save the knocked out tooth. The first few minutes after a tooth becomes dislodged is the most critical period for saving it.
As soon as you discover that a tooth has been knocked out, take a deep breath and evaluate the amount of damage. Sometimes the tooth has merely been loosened but still remains partially attached to the socket. If that is the case, wash your hands and gently take hold of the tooth’s crown between two fingers in order to guide it back squarely into its socket. Apply a cold compress against your cheek or jaw to eliminate any swelling, then contact our office to request an emergency appointment so that we can do a thorough examination so see that no permanent damage has occurred. Continue reading →

Despite the recommendation that people visit their dentist twice a year, many adults instead choose to ignore this advice. They may develop a fear of going to the dentist or believe that they do not need regular dental care. If it has been a long time since you have visited the dentist, you may not be sure of what you need to do once you decide to make an appointment. The best approach to beginning regular dental care is to treat this visit as you would any other important medical appointment. Continue reading →

For many people, the thought of going to the dentist is enough to cause to them to grit their teeth. They would rather endure the pain of a toothache or risk tooth decay that step foot into the dentist’s office. However, sedation dentistry can take the fear out of the visit.
Maybe you are not necessarily afraid of the dentist but have another issue. You may have a low threshold for pain or extremely sensitive teeth. You may have a bad gag reflex that makes it difficult for the dentist to work. It may be that you have a lot of work that needs to be done that will be difficult to sit through for hours. The sedatives can make it easier on you and the dentist.
Sedation dentistry is the use of medication to help the patient relax during the procedure. It is sometimes called “sleep dentistry,” although that is not entirely accurate. The patients stay awake during the appointment, except those who are under general anesthesia for a surgery-like procedure. Continue reading →

You might think that, as a dentist here in Roseville, the last thing I would be writing about are the potential complications of pregnancy. However, you might be surprised to learn that there are several scientific studies that have linked periodontal disease with premature onset of labor and delivery or delivery of a low birth weight baby. Before going into a discussion of this topic, let’s first define what we mean by “premature birth” and “low birth weight.”
A “premature” birth is any birth that occurs before the 37th week of pregnancy, assuming that the expected date of delivery has been reliably determined earlier in the pregnancy. Women who have gone into premature labor and given birth to a premature baby are more likely to develop premature labor in later pregnancies. As I’m sure you know, the earlier a baby is born the more likely it is that the baby will have problems breathing due to immature lungs. Other problems, some of which can be serious health issues, may be present as well. Continue reading →

As soon as they are old enough to hold a toothbrush and toothpaste, children are taught the importance of brushing their teeth to prevent cavities. Tooth brushing is vital for proper oral hygiene. Skipping one or two sessions can immediately result in bad breath and visible plaque. The lack of a regular brushing schedule can lead to more serious problems found in the office of an emergency dentist such as dental abscesses and bleeding gums.
The plaque left behind, however, may be more dangerous than previously thought. Doctors in Sacramento are beginning to find close links between dental plaque and heart disease. Excess plaque is swallowed and eventually re-consumed into the blood stream. The human mouth is filled with different types of bacteria that will only continue to multiply if not taken care of. Keeping a clean mouth will promote plaque elimination throughout your entire body. A now-famous 2010 study done in England found that patients who brushed their teeth infrequently had a 70% extra risk of heart disease. This figure was agreed on even after adjusting the data for the risks of family genetics, smoking and obesity. Continue reading →
Gingivitis is a form of periodontal disease that has no single cause and is preventable. It is typified by persistent inflammation of the gums, though individual symptoms may be transient. Due to the number of complications, including minor and severe ones, it is important to make the effort to prevent gingivitis. The necessary steps of prevention for an individual are best understood by assessing the individual’s risks. Even if the condition has progressed enough to result in complications, an emergency dentist in Roseville can help.
Reducing the Risks Continue reading →

There are two different types of gum disease: Gingivitis and periodontal disease. Gingivitis occurs when the gums become infected for various reasons. Periodontal disease occurs when people ignore gingivitis symptoms. The infection spreads to the roots and teeth, which can cause you to lose your teeth and worse. Gum disease ultimately can spread toxins in throughout your body, leading to autoimmune problems, heart disease and even death.
There are many causes and risk factors for gum disease. One cause of gingivitis is neglect. You should brush your teeth at least twice per day, according to the American Dental Association. Continue reading →

When you have a toothache, nothing else matters. The pain of a toothache, especially an abscess tooth, can be excruciating. With an abscess, your pain may radiate into your ear, jaw and give you a headache. Unless you are able to contact an emergency dentist, you may need to find relief on your own. You can try a few things at home to relieve your pain until you can visit an emergency dentist in Sacramento.
Stay Sitting Upright
Sitting upright will help because when you lay your head down the pressure builds up in your face, head and jaw. This causes added pain. Sitting up will not take the pain away completely, but will lessen it substantially. Continue reading →