Emergency Dental Care

TEXT (916) 520-1717

What is Sedation Dentistry?


For many people, the thought of going to the dentist is enough to cause to them to grit their teeth. They would rather endure the pain of a toothache or risk tooth decay that step foot into the dentist’s office. However, sedation dentistry can take the fear out of the visit.

Maybe you are not necessarily afraid of the dentist but have another issue. You may have a low threshold for pain or extremely sensitive teeth. You may have a bad gag reflex that makes it difficult for the dentist to work. It may be that you have a lot of work that needs to be done that will be difficult to sit through for hours. The sedatives can make it easier on you and the dentist.

Sedation dentistry is the use of medication to help the patient relax during the procedure. It is sometimes called “sleep dentistry,” although that is not entirely accurate. The patients stay awake during the appointment, except those who are under general anesthesia for a surgery-like procedure.

There are a few different levels of sedation that can be utilized. First, there is minimal sedation. This means that you are wide awake but relatively relaxed. You can possibly still drive yourself to and from the appointment. One step up is moderate sedation, also known as conscious sedation. This is when you will slur your speech and remember very little of procedure. In extreme cases, deep sedation is used. In deep sedation, your are on the very edge of consciousness. You can still be woken up, but you are near a sleeping state. In the most extreme cases or during a surgery procedure, general anesthesia is used, taking you completely out of consciousness.

There are a wide variety or methods that can be utilized. The most common is known as inhaled minimal sedation. This is the nitrous oxide mask commonly referred to as “laughing gas.” The dentist controls how much sedation you receive by mixing the nitrous oxide with oxygen to help you relax. It wears off quickly so that you can walk away from the appointment feeling the same way you did when you came in.

Oral sedation is the second most common type of sedation used in the dentist’s office. It ranges from minimal to moderate, depending on the dose you are given. For example, Halcion is a drug similar to Valium that provides minimal sedation. It takes about an hour to kick in, and will make you drowsy but awake. To achieve moderate sedation, a larger dose can be given. Some patients even fall asleep during the procedure because of how effective the pill is. However, it is easily to shake the patient awake when the procedure is complete.

For a moderate sedation, IV drugs may be used. This method involves administering the medicine through a vein. It goes to work far more quickly than the other methods and it stronger. One benefit is that the dentist can adjust the level of sedation quickly and effectively.

Call or visit Sacramento Emergency Dental Care in Roseville today. Our office is located at 901 Sunrise Ave. Ste A1 and our telephone number is 916-520-1719. You may also visit our website at www.ASAPdentist.com
