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Stress and its Effects on Oral Health


While it may not seem obvious, stress can be very harmful to an individual’s oral health. Those who experience chronic stress may be more likely to perform actions that are damaging to their teeth and overall oral health. Furthermore, stress is damaging to an individual’s overall health and can be only further detrimental to oral health. Individuals in the Sacramento area who are suffering from any of the below ailments or related oral health issues should consult an Emergency dentist who can provide quick healthcare and ensure lasting oral health.

The most common and well-documented cause of stress-related oral health damage is ‘bruxism’, or teeth grinding. People most often grind their teeth at night, and are more likely to do so in periods of heightened stress. Many people do not realize that they are doing this until significant damage has occurred to their teeth. If significant damage has occurred, it may be necessary for an individual to make a visit with an emergency dentist. Individuals located near Sacramento can find a dentist who will provide them with adequate care and feedback. The dentist can help diagnose a grinding problem and can prescribe a night guard system that will prevent further grinding and damage.

Another oral health concern that can arise from extended stress are canker sores. While doctors are not entirely sure what causes these sores, one likely factor is stress. Stress can decrease an individual’s immune system and the body’s ability to fight infection, a likely cause of canker sores. Again, individuals may want to schedule an emergency dentist visit if they are experiencing especially painful or recurrent sores. A dentist can help diagnose and prescribe medications that will remove these sores and relieve individuals of pain related to them.

Stress can also contribute to dry mouth and something known as “burning mouth disease”. Dry mouth can be caused by a large number of factors, and stress is one of them. Individuals who suffer from chronic dry mouth are more susceptible to a variety of oral health problems, including gum disease. Dry mouth can also cause persistent halitosis. Burning mouth disease is considered to be largely caused by psychological ailments, with stress being high on the list of causes. The disease is characterized by an irritating and persistent burning sensation on the gums, lips, and tongue. While this particular disease can be hard to treat, a dental checkup can help determine underlying causes and offer relief.

The most damaging oral health concern that can arise from chronic stress is gum disease. There are a variety of factors that cause gum disease, but research has shown that prolonged stress can be a huge factor. Stress is known to reduce the functioning of the immune system, which causes increased prevalence of illness and infection. Thus, individuals will be less able to fight viruses and germs that can cause gum disease, making it more likely to occur. Individuals who have symptoms of gum disease should make an emergency dentist appointment, as gum disease can cause oral pain and reduced oral health.

Stress is a large factor in many health issues, including declining oral health. There are a variety of oral health issues that can arise from prolonged stress, many of which can have lasting detrimental effects and pain. Individuals in the Sacramento area should consult an emergency dentist who can provide them with the best possible care and service.