Emergency Dental Care

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Benefits of Getting a Root Canal Rather Than an Extraction


In dental emergencies that can potentially affect the health of you and your teeth, you may need to make a decision between a root canal and a tooth extraction. The two procedures require consideration of health, cosmetics and finances. The following paragraphs will help you become more informed about the two treatments and describe the benefits of a root canal instead of extraction.

A root canal or tooth extraction may become necessary interventions when your tooth becomes infected and painful. Deep cavities and cracked teeth can lead to infection in the area of the tooth containing blood vessels and nerves. This painful situation, if not promptly treated, can lead to further and more widespread complications in the tooth and mouth.

Most Sacramento dentists prefer root canals for a variety of reasons. As the name implies, extraction involves complete removal of the infected tooth, requiring an invasive procedure and a cosmetic and functional replacement. While implants are now made to look and feel more real, it is generally accepted that keeping your natural tooth is the healthier choice. It is estimated that 68-84% more bacteria may enter your blood stream during an extraction procedure. Further, implants generally require more follow up treatment and have a higher incidence of failure. In addition, a growing body of research illuminates the links between your periodontal health and your overall health; preventing tooth loss should be a high priority.

Root canals, on the other hand, are designed to save the existing tooth, and many Sacramento area dentists are experts at this procedure. The treatment involves drilling a small hole in the infected tooth in order to remove the affected blood vessels and nerve tissues. The tooth is then filled and a crown is placed to seal the tooth from further contamination. Compared to the other option, this treatment is minimally invasive, highly effective, and less expensive than extraction and implants. Further, root canals generally require no follow-up treatment, and allow you to keep your tooth.

Dental emergencies are unpleasant and may require you to make hard decisions about the future of your oral health. If you have the option, it is highly encouraged that you keep your own tooth. Root canals are less invasive than extraction and have a number of long-term health benefits. If you have questions or doubts as to what treatment is best for you and your situation, contact a number of trusted Sacramento area emergency dentists for further advice.