Emergency Dental Care

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5 Consequences for Not Calling your Emergency Dentist – Sacramento


Dental emergencies can be just as serious as emerging medical problems. You wouldn’t think twice about going to an urgent care center or emergency room if you needed help. You shouldn’t hesitate to get dental assistance either. The truth is ignoring dental problems has serious consequences. Emergency dental services are there to prevent further damage from occurring. You only have one set of teeth. Proper dental hygiene keeps them healthy, but emergencies still happen. Take a look at five things that you may face if you choose not to get emergency dental care.

Tooth Nerve Damage

Pain in a tooth is actually a good thing. It is the initial pain that tells you to go to the dentist in the first place. When a nerve becomes damaged that natural security system breaks down. This can leave the pulp of the tooth open to infection or decay. Without proper treatment, the tooth loses sensitivity, so when there is a serious issue you won’t know it. This can lead to tooth loss or critical medical problems such as infection in the bone or blood stream. 

Bacterial Infection

Teeth have a protective coating to keep them strong, but it also keeps food and bacteria from entering the inner, more delicate structure. A tooth, like most parts of the body, contains tissue venerable to infection. Decay breaks down the outer coating of the tooth providing access to this soft region. Once bacteria get past the enamel, it can cause abscesses to form or enter the blood. Ignoring an infection in your tooth can be potentially life threatening if bacteria get into the blood stream.


It is easy to convince yourself that the little, annoying ache in your tooth will pass. It may stop for a while, but without emergency dental care, it just gets worse. The most obvious consequence for not seeking help from a dentist is pain. Infection, abscess growth, exposed nerves – these are all situations that add up to a lot of tooth pain. Getting treatment for that little ache will save you hurt later.

Tooth Loss

With some emergencies, the consequence is obvious. When a tooth falls out or breaks, you can’t fix it yourself. If you cut off your finger, you wouldn’t delay getting help, not if you want to keep that finger. The same theory applies to a broken or lost tooth. The faster you get dental assistance, the better the odds.

Permanent Damage to Teeth

If you like your toothy grin and want to keep it, an emergency dentist is the way to go. Delay leads to permanent damage and loss. Once infection or decay sets in, fixing the problem gets more complicated. Tooth loss and gum degeneration is permanent. An emergency dental service is there when a baseball knocks out a tooth, when you break a molar in half eating or just wake up in pain. Fast, effective service any time you need it is what will save that beautiful smile.


Call or visit Sacramento Emergency Dental Care in Roseville today. Our office is located at 901 Sunrise Ave. Ste A1 and our telephone number is 916-520-1719. You may also visit our website at www.ASAPdentist.com